Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 29 :: Crochet a Hat - Adam Style

Today was a busy day, but few of the things that happened today were original in this 30-Day experiment. There was some more ATVing, some more driving, some horseback riding (but not enough to qualify for it's own blog entry), and some resting. However, as the day came to a close, it was my mom who suggested something unique... crocheting. 

Because of the proximity of Simi Valley to my mom's town, Camarillo, I was able to spend some time with her. She picked me up late afternoon and I stayed the night with her and my grandmother. The evening time made some room for this latest activity. I began the crocheting 'adventure' by attempting to follow a series of directions that would ultimately end up with a fairly complicated hat. Well, I only had a few hours to dedicate to this project, so the 'crochet techno babble' was going to have to wait for some other time. Instead, I decided to learn only the 'single loop' technique, and set off to the races to make.... a square.

Well, as time travelled on, I was no longer content with only a square. I concluded that with this one basic technique, I could in fact, make that hat after all. But, it was going to have some 'Adam-ness' to it. I single looped here, snipped some yarn there, added a strand here, braided there.... and, voila! A hat.

I'm not saying it's the highest of technical accomplishments, but it was something new and different. I may take requests in the future, but you'll have to be flexible with your expectations... each hat will be 'individual' and unique.

Bobby tentatively modeling my accomplishment

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