Saturday, February 19, 2011

Day 20 :: School Festival... AND Anticipation

Last night was the Valentine Hills Elementary School's Winter Festival: bouncy houses, greasy food, toilet bowl tosses, cake walks, raffle drawings, dunk tanks and loads of people. What more is there to tell?

Really, it was a fun time, but it sort of unfolded like a play book. The three adults (Laura and I were joined by Laura's friend, Amy) walked the kids to point A... the food. We all chatted and ate, and then the three of us escorted the kids to point B... the bouncy houses. The kids played, while we chatted and waited. Off to point C. Then to point D. And so on. Until the night came to end.

All had a good time, and mostly without incident. Probably, the most eventful thing of the night was when Amy confronted a festival volunteer for letting 15 other kids go on the bouncy houses before her two kids. Her daughter and a friend were at the front of the line, waiting patiently for the volunteer to give them the go-ahead. Meanwhile, the rest of the world's population of children did what comes to them naturally, and just pushed their way through to the front and onto the ride. The volunteer was content that the line kept moving... it wasn't as relevant to her that there was any sort of order. Amy had enough of watching the hordes pass by the two children, and let the woman know how she felt. I believe there may have even been a bit of a threat thrown in... not like "your car and house will burn!"... but, "honestly, if they are just going to be passed by,  I'm just going to pull them out of this line." I consider that a threat, because what volunteer wants an imperfect record?

So, aside from the 'incident,' it was a fairly smooth night.

It's 7:00am on Saturday morning, and I'm writing this blog. I point that out because, generally, I would have either written this blog last night, or at least waited until 10:00 or 11:00am today to write it. I write it now though, because despite how tired I am, I cannot sleep. You see, my body and mind are presently captive to anticipation.

It began last night with anticipating elements of the upcoming Martha Stewart show. The age old question... "what shall I wear." Martha's folks were VERY specific with the dress code required of her audience. And, because there's a slight possibility that Martha may be asking me a question or two, the need to impress has been raised a notch. So, last night, I went shopping.

This morning, I have anticipation for a different dress code situation: the Winter Plunge. Arghh. That's today! What have I got myself into. And again... "what shall I wear." Although clothing may seem to be the last thing on my mind as I prepare to jump into near frozen water, it's actually somewhat of a big deal. There's two levels to this dress code dilemma. The first is practicality. What attire can I adorn myself with that will prevent me from passing out when I hit the frigid water? The second level somewhat counteracts the first: What attire can I adorn myself with that will be in line with the theming of the event? We have been asked to dress 'creatively.' Some will wear polar bear headwear. Some will wear speedos. Some will wear tie-dyed shirts, and so on. In generally, my perception is that the more creative you go, the less warmth is provided. Such a conflict!

So, I anticipate. We leave for New York tomorrow and I'm not ready. I plunge into a lake today, and I'm not ready. But, as all things go... time doesn't stop, and it's going to happen one way or another. So, on the off chance that anyone is reading this this morning,... wish me well.

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