Saturday, February 26, 2011

Day 27 :: Road Trip

(Note: about to head out where there's no internet... won't be adding photos to this post or adding additional posts until Monday... if we survive)

There’s two types of road trips. There’s the classic road trip, where the road trip IS the destination, and then there’s the road trip that merely serves as a vehicle to get you to where you’re going. However, if you happen to find yourself in the latter, you could still do your best to implement as many attributes of the first into the experience. And that’s how yesterday played out.

The purpose of the road trip was to get me, and my two friends, from point A (Las Vegas) to point B (Simi Valley, CA.) The back story here is a good friend of mine, Sean, celebrated his birthday a couple of days ago in Las Vegas. Without his knowing, his wife arranged a surprise birthday outing to go ATVing in Gorman, CA. So, our friend Robb made the long drive down from San Fran, and I made the flight out from MN.

Sean and Sarah pulled up to the passenger pick-up in Vegas with Sean blindfolded, the reveal occurred, good ‘brotherly’ hugs ensued, and the road trip began.

Honestly, I’d like to drag out the many experiences of the road trip, but there just really weren’t that many. The depth of the trip really was just the companionship of good friends. We talked about our lives, we talked about the past, we talked about the future, we listened to Sean’s newest single (a talented musician, indeed), and yes, we even made a few good-ol’ road trip stops.

The two stops worth mention are: The Mad Greek (the “Best Greek Food in America”) and Alien Jerkey. At The Mad Greek I enjoyed a rather large Gyro. Very good. Then we proceeded over to Alien Jerkey, where Sean purchased some ‘peppered’ Alien Jerkey. Also good. Those aliens are pretty tasty.

The trip wrapped up in Simi Valley, where the final surprise, Robb showing up, occurred. Another great ‘brotherly’ hug. Lots of brotherly hugs. And then it rained. And rained. And….. rained. So, trip delayed. Apparently, the high temp at where we’re headed is 30 degrees. And snowy. In California. ????

Our day ended up at Red’s Barbecue, where 10 of us sat around and recapped the day and had some good ribs. That was last night. Today is a new day, and we head out for Gorman… to freeze our bums off in this glorious California weather.

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