Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 16 :: Health Care

Kid Friendly: not one bit
Pet Friendly: in an odd sort of way, yes... if you're curious enough about this one, you could ask me personally

Cost: $0 financially, plenty to Addie
Total Budget: $33/$50

"The best laid plans of mice and men..." Actually, I didn't really have any plans tonight, but I was going to possibly build an ice sculpture in case nothing else surfaced. Well, as it turns out, something else did surface. Addie got sick.

Laura and I have sort of a 'pre-child' plan that involves sickness. Due to her aversion to being near others while they vomit, we agreed that I would deal with all symptoms of that nature, while she would handle the majority of the diaper stage. Although the diaper stage was far more numerous in it's accounts, it is, on the upside, pretty much done (that is until I reach the 'Depends' years... some friends might say is not far off for me). The upchucking, however seldom, still lurks behind every outing with other youngsters and behind every questionable meal. In this case, Addie slept a full night out in the cold with me, had a Nepalese spicy meal, and spent the afternoon at a skating party where apparently some of the other girls ended up with a stomach flu as well. This was all in the last 48 hours.

So, any plans that may have surfaced, are far from being realized. I ran into work briefly this morning to retrieve some files, and since about 8:30, Addie and I have been sitting on the couch together. I would get some work done, then deal with the first 'event.' I would get a bit more work done and then comfort her during and after the second 'event.' Each event, of course, was followed by a gut-wrenching cry out, laden with tears, "why, daddy, why??," and "why can't I control this? My body is doing this without me?" She was completely puzzled and distraught by the fact that her body was taking action that was not approved by her. 

By 7:00 tonight, she had about seven 'events' and three visits to the bathroom to deal with 'events' coming from other places. It's been a long day. The poor girl is wiped out. It's a little after 8:00, and I just put her down, for hopefully, a peaceful night.

So, that's my activity for today... health care (unless you count the five plus hours of "Avatar: The Last Airbender" that we watched together). And sorry, no pictures!


JNC said...

What a wonderful caregiver you are! not an easy job. i dread the day i have to try to explain to stephen "why" his body is doing that to him!

by the way, we love the last airbender series on netflix as well! ;)

JNC said...

ok, i am morbidly curious as to how this one is pet friendly...?

Adam Turner said...

Let's just say that there was an untraditional food source available that day for our dog Bear. He was definitely in our midst and trying to get into certain buckets throughout the day.