Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 23 :: Leon in New York

Day 23 (yesterday) was full of activity:
1. Rockafeller Center - Top of the Rock and Ice Skating Rink
2. Lego Store
3. St. Patrick's Cathedral
4. F.A.O. Schwartz
5. Horse and carriage ride in Central Park
6. Guggenheim Museum (lobby only)
7. Time's Square
8. New York Pizza joint
9. Broadway Show - "Chicago"

However, as great as all the above were, not many of them lasted that long (other than the musical), and not many of them fit into the budget of the 30-Day Adventure. The only event that fits the criteria of the Adventure, and the spirit of the Adventure, was something I didn't expect. And, it came in the form of a conversation with a gentleman named Leon.

I headed down to the lobby early Monday morning to go out for a brisk walk before Laura awakened, and stopped to ask the security guy a question about where I was heading. But, before I knew it, the hour and a half that I had given myself for the walk, was completely gone, as I was carried deeply into the life of this one New Yorker,... Leon.

I love that this qualifies for my 30-Days, because since working at a church in Las Vegas, I haven't really taken the time to stop and listen to another person's story. I have to be honest though, listening to Leon, was highly entertaining. Leon was not shy. He had a good New York accent, and his words move quickly. 

He began with beaming pride and thorough knowledge of his city, New York. Like all New Yorkers that I met and chatted with, his pride ran deep. He talked about multiple cross-streets and the hidden jewels found at each one, he talked about the history of New Amsterdam before it became New York, he talked about the fortifying wall that was built that gave name later to Wall Street, and so on, and so on. I did my best to keep up, but I was just so entertained by his personality and his delivery, that I pretty much missed all of the details.

Then, with a bit of the right prompting, he shot into a bit of his work history. Where DIDN'T this man work?? Something about the Navy, first as a cook, then as an engineer... then an assistant chef in some New York restaurants, I think there was some time in there at an architectural firm, and the list seemed to go on. He even took a season to teach his daughter in a home-school setting.

This brought him to family. I thought he was proud of his city... didn't compare to the pride he has of his daughter. Granted, she's 12 right now, and developing a bit of an attitude, but a straight-A student, and a chess genius to boot! (however, she's slacking a bit in the chess department, because she wants to spend more time on teenage things... like modern dance and art!)

Sadly, our time together had to come to an end. I needed to back in our room by 7:30, and it was closing in on 7:20. After I informed Leon of my time issue, he had one last little gem for me. After all, he was the security guy... so, he took me in the 'special' elevator up to the top of the building, where I got a special viewing of New York skyline. Nice!

So, when all was said and done, I got an in-depth review on what to see in New York, and what to skip. But, more importantly, I got to experience witnessing the world become just a bit smaller, by taking one more person who had no name to me, and turning them into a friend. Granted, we live miles apart, but he's just that sort of a guy... I wouldn't be surprised if he invited me to his daughter's wedding someday!


Some other things in the day:

Top of the Rock

F.A.O. Schwartz

Central Park from the Horse Carriage

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