Saturday, March 5, 2011

Brainpower - Day 1

I'm calling this new four-week challenge "Brainpower." Not to get confused with the original "30-Day Challenge."

Starting Brain Q Quiz score: 89/200 (that's a big 'F')
Problem Solving: 15/15 (100%)
Memory: 12/35 (34%)
Diet: 23/50 (46%)
Exercise: 14/50 (28%)
Memory Fitness, Stress and Socializing: 25/50 (50%)

Starting Weight: 210.5 lbs

Body Fat: approx. 26% (Tape Measurement Method)
Neck: 17"
Height: 72"
Abdomen: 41" (need to work on that one)
According to The American Council on Exercise, 26% and up in men, is considered obese. So, I'm obese. To get to 'Acceptable,' I need to be between 18% and 25%. To get to 'Athletic,' I need to be between 6% and 13%. Well, honestly, I'm not too concerned about what label I possess, although it does seem odd that I'm considered obese. However, I am very concerned about my overall health and my 'brain health.' And, as I attend to those, I imagine my body fat will go down, and I may someday be 'acceptable.'

Generally, I'll blog in the evenings, but today is Saturday, so I have time this afternoon. Also, I won't be blogging every day. One thing I learned from the last round of blogging is that the blogging itself became a prison of sorts... I felt committed to having to blog every day. However, this time, I'll blog maybe once a week, highlight some of the meals, exercises and brain games.

Today, so far, I have made both breakfast and lunch. I went grocery shopping for the first time in a long time... that took about an hour and a half, and about $150. That's just for one person, for one week! (to be fair, I think much of what I bought will last for a long time... spices, etc.)

For the brain game, I was asked to name the colors of words of colors that weren't the color they said they were. Understand? For example, the word 'blue' was actually the color red. There was a list of them, and I needed to say them as quickly as possible.

The second challenge was to take on something new. Sound familiar? They suggested trying something like blogging. I think I have that one well under way.

The third, and final, challenge was a list of several numbers. I was asked to 'repeat' and 'reorganize.' They suggest that when given a whole lot of numbers, one great way to help remember them is to break them down into smaller 'groupings.' Much like a social security number or a phone number.

I took the challenge about two hours ago. Here is my best attempt to repeat the numbers that I memorized:


I'll check the book to see how many I got right...BAM!! Nailed it! I just checked, and it seems these memory techniques actually work.

Will need to start prepping for dinner in a little bit, and I'm going to go change into my workout clothes for the suggested workout. But, before I sign off, here's the lunch I had earlier:

Grilled Veggie and Bean Burrito


Dorie said...

Hi, Adam -
Loving the blogs - keep them coming!
May I suggest a twist on your new activities? How about incorporating Lent into this time period? (Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, March 9). The brainpower thing is pretty "me" focused; maybe adding a spiritual dimension and some works of charity would round it out a bit and also prepare your heart (and the family) for Easter. Plus I think you would do a very nice job of blogging about it!

Adam Turner said...

Dorie... good comments. I'll clarify my goals of this particular 4-week run in my next blog.