Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Day Before

It's been decided. Sort of.

Being an incredibly patient person, I have decided to postpone the beginning of this philosophical, self-seeking journey until a later date. I find it necessary to allow for serious contemplation and consideration of factors both known and unknown. I have found, however, that all things considered, there is indeed a launching date that appeases the sensibility owed to the task at hand. And thus, I will set my sights on that day.


Yep. I have no patience. Why wait for the inevitable. Really, no additional preparation is going to sweeten this, or sour its taste, so, in true Adam fashion, I am going to wing it.

As it turns out, there are many events and opportunities in the Twin Cities that are either low cost, or no cost at all. That's how I'm going to get this party started... by creating a list birthed out of those opportunities, scattered throughout the 30 days. And upon further discovery, I have just been enlightened to the fact that we're smack in the middle of the St. Paul Winter Carnival. Who knew! This is the sort of thing that I'm after here... A city-wide event in full swing, tiptoeing behind my back as I'm stooped over my laptop streaming the next NetFlix viewing opportunity.

So, the journey begins with the Winter Carnival... specifically, an ice and snow sculpture presentation at the State Fair Grounds tomorrow afternoon (something I'd like to pursue as a participant in the following years). I'll be sharing this outing with my 8-year-old daughter, Addie. As far as the days that follow, I haven't figured out the specifics of who I'll be sharing those life-altering-events with yet. However, I welcome anyone to participate with me... friend or foe (let's make it interesting). If there's anything below that you'd like to be a part of, or would like to invite me to be a part of, I'm looking for... 'volunteers.'

And here is an outline for the 30 days, as of today (it will ebb and flow as time passes, based on others' input):

Day 1 (Sunday, Jan. 30, 2011) :: Vulcan's Fun Day in the Snow - at State Fair Grounds (part of the Winter Carnival)
Day 2 (Monday) :: finish oil painting I began last week
Day 3 (Tuesday) :: some sort of exercise... possibly walk home from work (2 miles)
Day 4 (Wednesday) :: ??
Day 5 (Thursday) :: Minneapolis Institute of the Arts
Day 6 (Friday) :: poker tournament
Day 7 (Saturday) :: host a friends' get-together
Day 8 (Sun., Feb.6) :: ??
Day 9 (Mon) :: live music at 331 Club
Day 10 (Tue) :: ice fishing? (don't have the resources yet... but, will inquire)
Day 11 (Wed) :: ??
Day 12 (Thur) :: Walker Art Center
Day 13 (Fri) :: chaperone 3rd grade group visiting Wildlife Center in Forest Lake
Day 14 (Sat) :: puppet show and workshop
Day 15 (Sun) :: snowshoe at the Arboretum
Day 16 (Mon) :: make a romantic 5-course meal
Day 17 (Tue) :: write a poem
Day 18 (Wed) :: volunteer at a soup kitchen
Day 19 (Thu) :: ??
Day 20 (Fri) :: make homemade pizza and dessert pizza
Day 21 (Sat) :: Como Zoo and Conservatory
Day 22 (Sun) :: Minnesota Children's Museum
Day 23 (Mon) :: make igloo
Day 24 (Tue) :: winter camp
Day 25 (Wed) :: tour the Guthrie Theater
Day 26 (Thu) :: ??
Day 27 (Fri) :: ??
Day 28 (Sat) :: ??
Day 29 (Sun) :: ??
Day 30 (Monday, Feb. 28, 2011) :: ??

And so I begin. Today marks 'the day before' I set out on this new experience. As of now, the list above doesn't seem that exciting, but I have hopes of it evolving as I receive input from others. One final thought... although it may not seem so, I'm on a budget of $50. Not sure how I'm going to pull it off, but I'm going to. So, when I set on the path of 'beg, borrow and steal,' you may want to stand clear.

Until tomorrow,


David Turner said...

This is awesome Adam. Wish I could join you for some of them. And your blogging... who knew?

Adam Turner said...

Yes, I finally took the blogging plunge. Something new in and of itself. Maybe while I'm making the igloo, you could throw together a mud and sand hut in your backyard... add it to the alternate living spaces collection you have going (tree house, teepee, playhouse... have I missed any?)!